Monday, April 1, 2013

This is my story.  I'm living the "Life I imagined" as a child.  I'm the wife of a very talented chef who has a restaurant on beautiful Whidbey Island.  We live in a sweet little house next to that restaurant.  In that house I have 2 sweet dogs.  Charley, a Heeler-Sheltie mix who is about 12 years old.  And a sweet Havanese-Yorkie mix who is 4.  We were married in May 2012 and had a dream wedding.  
My husband is a dreamer.  His dream from the time he was young was to have a restaurant.....he said he would and he did.  He runs a successful, popular, amazing restaurant.  My dream was to have goats.  I had them as a child and I always thought having a goat farm and making cheese would be amazing.  
When I moved to Whidbey Island I became friends with a goat farmer.  She taught me so much about goats, and goat farming.  One thing I learned from her was that becoming a real Dairy Goat Farmer was a big undertaking, something we could never afford to do.  And so, Vicky taught me about goats.  
One of my favorite books is Animal Vegetable Miracle by Barbara Kingsolver.  It talks about eating locally, knowing who's growing your food, and what not eating seasonally does to our Earth and our bodies. In that book I learned about how to make cheese.  
Anyway....back to my husband the dreamer.  He is passionate about cooking and doing it right.  He is also passionate about me.  And so, he believed in me living my dream....and for Christmas he gave me 3 goats.  1 retired milker, Layla, from my friend Vicky, the "real goat farmer" and her 2 daughters, whom we named Calendula, Cali for short and Daisy.  3 lovely Nubians who already have enriched our lives.
In the month they've been with us, I've learned how to install electric fencing, how to watch their poo for signs of illness, and that my husband loves these girls as much as I.
So....this is what this blog will be about.  Our "farm"....our life....and Gordon's restaurant adventures.  
Our place is Wabi Sabi Farm, which means "Perfectly Imperfect".  The restaurant is Gordon's on Blueberry Hill, and this is the life we share.

1 comment:

  1. Congratulations on all your dreams coming true. May your life continue to be filled with such blessings.

    I'm looking forward to reading about your process.
