Tuesday, February 11, 2014

I Did It!!!

I have always wanted to knit or crochet....I've had some people teach me, but it never stuck.  And so...when I went to the Spin Off and saw people spinning and came home and told Gordon I wanted a spinning wheel, he told me I should probably learn to knit or crochet.  And so I went to You Tube and tried to learn, but it still didn't work.  And then one night when I couldn't sleep, I saw the way crocheting worked....and it made sense and I tried it, watched the video again, and I did it.  It took me 3 weeks to make my first dish cloth, and then I thought "I crochet" and I looked at some patterns and realized I had a lot more to learn.

And so I practiced dish cloths....

And then I found a tutorial for a scarf....and I tried it....and I made one!!!!!!

And so....me the girl who loved fiber but only could felt now has a skill that she can use to make things.  And I feel proud.

Both my sister and my mom are good artists....I can't draw to save my life....and so as a result I've never thought of myself as artistic....I can cook and bake but I'm not creative, I can follow a recipe.  I sew, but it's the same thing, following a pattern and then you get what you want.

For some reason this makes me feel creative and artistic....I've built something with my hands....and it's one more skill that allows you to simplify....and so I also realize that sewing and writing and eventually spinning require the artistic talents I thought I was lacking....artists come in all shapes and sizes....I've learned that from my own artist husband.

And so tonight I celebrate that I have a skill that I've wanted to have my whole life....and tomorrow when I'm freezing my bum off with my co-workers, I will have a scarf that I made to keep my ears and head and neck warm....and I will be proud.


  1. I'm so proud of you! Good job girlie!

  2. I'm proud of you too!! I have a wheel that has a problem with a spool I've never had time to look into fixing. We should talk. :)
