Friday, July 5, 2013

Fourth of July Part II

So....the Third of July left a little to be desired....but the Fourth.....what a beautiful "heavishuay".  It started out with breakfast with friends....and although the place was filled with tourists and we had to sit in the bar....the Bloody Marys hit the spot....and the company was great....even though Freeland Cafe ran out of hashbrowns.....which we knew they would because it was a holiday and there were tourists....anyway....after that it was a trip to Ace for plants and a sickle....again....a good time with good friends.
And then we came home....I planted some herbs and Gordon did some weed wacking.....he also brought home the fixins for some "tarty lemonades".  And so we sat in the shade, drank some lemonades.....and then we let the girls out.  The restaurant was closed, and so we knew that no matter where they wandered, they wouldn't come into traffic in the parking lot, or unsuspecting diners.
I kind of shadowed the girls to make sure they would be OK.
When I was young, I would sit in tall grass and read "Anne of Green Gables" and an author whose name escapes me right now....I would spend hours listening to music....watching my horse and reading...sitting next to my dog Sundance....and this is what I wound up doing....sans book....I layed in the grass, watching the clouds go by.....feeling the presence of my girls and Charley was by my side.....if someone would have told me 30 years ago when I was sitting in the grass as a teenager, I would do the same thing.....with my husband across the property....having his own "heavishuay"....I had the amazing sense of peace and contentment I used to get when I was younger.....and I would just sit and enjoy myself....or when I was picking berries....or doing those things.
Anyway.....I brought the girls back to their space.....and Gordon and I finished some work.....came inside....and Gordon made dinner for us.  Black beans, smoked duck, pulled pork and fry bread and some of the salads I had bought the day before.  It fed my soul, being with my husband, eating his food....watching the Twilight Zone Marathon.
And so....that was my Fourth of July....the booms didn't bother the girls as much as the night before....the were snuggled up in their house safe and sound when I went to bed myself.
So...thank you to all the people who have fought and put their life on the line....and continue to do my family can celebrate this beautiful day in a way we see fit.

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