Tuesday, June 11, 2013

This Amazing Man

So...most of the people who read this blog know me....and if you know me the chances are pretty good you know the man who chose me as his wife.  But I just wanted to take a moment to let you know who this amazing man is.
His name is Gordon James Stewart, Jr.  He grew up in Arlington and was raised by Fundamentalist Christians who raised him up to be a good boy, and he was raised up around good food, listening to his dad's preaching.
When I met him he was a chubby kid who hadn't quite found his footing in the world.  He was getting ready to go to Sno-Isle Skills Center where he was going to learn how to be a chef.  When I knew him he was a little shy and just seemed like he needed someone to show him the way.  When I knew him all those years ago we were painting our youth pastor's house and he asked me if I was hungry.  I told him I was...I guess I didn't have a car with me, so he rode his bike down to The Pizza Factory and spent his money to get us both a sandwich.  I remember that moment for 2 reasons.  First of all, I let some kid go downtown and get me a sandwich, and I let him pay.  At that time I think he worked at the hospital in Arlington, I have no doubt he worked harder than I did for his money....and his only means of transportation was said bike...and so after riding the many miles it took him to get to our pastor's house, he rode it down a very steep hill that he would have to ride up again to bring us sandwiches.  The second thing I will always remember is that I ate that whole sandwich.  It was a story I would tell friends to prove how selfish and gluttunous I can be.
And so this shy, strange, chubby kid who said he wanted be a chef stuck with me.  I always wondered how that kid was doing.  That's the nature of his being....he gets in your heart....he is bigger than life....he demands  your attention....he draws you to him.
And so, this kid I knew from my hometown did stuff.  He was given a gift from God that is his way of sharing his soul with the world.  When he cooks for you, it changes you....you discover flavors you never knew existed.  He did what he said he would do, he opened a restaurant.....a place to feed your soul.
What I know about him is that he is a born teacher, a born showman.  I wish I had that kind of passion....that kind of determination....that kind of drive.  I wish I knew, like he does how to have a dream and really make it happen.  I wish I had half his know-how, half his skill, the passion he has in his pinky.
If you have not been, his restaurant is Gordon's on Blueberry Hill.  It's a beautiful place filled with beautiful people and amazing food. www.gordonsonblueberryhill.com is the website.  Come to Freeland, meet my husband and his staff and be blown away.

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