Tuesday, June 18, 2013

A Week of Miracles

This has been a treacherous week at work.  I'm exhausted and it's only Tuesday....both nights I've gone home, enjoyed a beer and found myself dreading the week to come.  On top of it, I've felt sick, not sure if it's MS or a cold or just stress.
All this to say I've really struggled to see the beauty around me for the last few weeks.  But some things have happened this week that have caused me to take pause and remember the beautiful blessings of my sweet life.  And now I'm going to share them with you.
On Sunday I got a message from my goat mentor and friend, and she shared an idea with me that I'm not going to share here....but it filled me with excitement, hope, and helped me to remember that I do have talents....and I have some things to share with the world....and although right now I have a 4 hour commute to a soul-killing physically exhausting job (as I described it to the Barista at Starbuck's) some day I may be able to spend more time with my "herd" and feathering the nest I share with my sweet husband.  So....that's something to give me hope....something to help me get me through these rough days.
Yesterday I found out I won a "major award".....it's a silly thing but I guessed how many bubble gums were being held by this giant gorilla....and I won the giant gorilla....but I WON him....I've never won a prize before.  So I was a little excited.  Another thing to be thankful for.
So.....today on the way home I was driving down the road from work.  People were looking at me and I heard a noise so I parked my car and looked on the side of my door.  I didn't think see anything, so I went on my merry way.  I think I drive about 15 miles to the ferry....people kept looking at me and I thought maybe something was going wrong with my car.
So, I got in the ferry line and went to grab my ticket....as I looked on the passenger seat and noticed that the handle to my purse was sitting on the seat....but I didn't see the actual purse....aha!!!  I said to myself.  The purse is what I heard.  So....I walked around to the other side of the car and and low and behold, there was my purse hanging...connected to the door....with a giant hole in it.  So I grabbed my purse and EVERYTHING was in my purse....including a zip drive with my wedding pictures.
I was also the last car on the boat....another miracle.
When I got home, my husband had bought a weed wacker for us.  We've needed a weed wacker, so it was quite a splendiferous gift.  So I wacked some weeds and felt quite proud of my accomplishments....I then brought the chopped weeds to my girls who ate them with gusto.  And as I stood there, watching them eat, playing frisbee with my sweet Charley feeling the wind go through my hair, I smiled at myself and felt overwhelmed with gratitude for my life....the God who brought it all together....and continues to lay a pathway for me to follow.  I will continue to look for the amazing things that come my way....work on the gratitude that I need to learn....and follow my heart....cling to the people who know what they're doing....and see what the next stage brings us.
Thank you God, Goddess, Universe for leading me on this path.  I will continue to learn to quiet down so I can go where I'm supposed to.


  1. Kaycee -
    Just wanted you to know I thoroughly enjoy reading your blog. It always lifts my spirits!
    Thank you,

    1. Thanks Karin....it's good to know people are reading...and it's helping a little :)
