Saturday, June 22, 2013


Today was a beautiful day.  I had a plan to get together with friends tonight and wanted to make a avocado, goat cheese, shrimp and cilantro dip to bring.  It's one of the first things I made for Gordon when we first started dating.  And so....Gordon and I went out to breakfast at the Freeland Cafe.  It's a typical greasy spoon that's in the heart of our little town.  After breakfast we headed to the Bayview Market.  It's the local Farmer's Market by our house.  Locals talk about it being a bit touristy.  I think to myself that Whidbey Island in Summer is a bit touristy....I both hate the tourists and appreciate what they do for our Island, and for my Husband's business.  And so we went to the market.  But today it didn't feel touristy....the market was filled with the people we know, and it was fun and sweet.  And so we market basket in hand, ready to make our purchases.
First we stopped by Little Brown Farm's stand to get our chevre for the dip.  Of course this is my favorite stop.  Vicky Brown has taken me under her wing and has shown me what a farmer can do....what passion, compassion and know how brought together can bring around.  It's not an easy life....but I know they sleep well at night knowing that they make amazing cheese....teach amazing things....and their charges could certainly not be more loved or cared for.  Her husband Tom was running the stand....he's the example of what a good husband can to do help a woman find her dream.  As couples we all joke around that they are probably the only couple on the Island cuter than us.  But alas....I digress.
Next to Tree Top Baking for our baguette.  Again....people you know....talking about the joys of living in this community.  We then found a guy selling strawberries....berries that won a blue ribbon at the fair last year.  It was a guy I'd never seen before.  But again....the joy of the Island....we were talking about his strawberries, and he told Gordon, "We live by Adam's the yellow house."  Only in a community like this one can you say that and people know what you're talking about.
Then to Willowood Farm stand where we chatted with the girl about beet greens...I love that I can find joy and get excited about beet greens.  I love that the girl who was working there and I talked about beet greens, and goats, and Vicky Brown's goats....and that she didn't know my girls....but she knew their cousins ....and she loved a place I loved....Little Brown Farm....and she worked for another strong farm woman....who was not a Farmer's Wife....but a wife who is a farmer, Georgie Smith....who is farming on land her grandparents farmed, whose husband supported her dream and her passion...who again cares for her community....another farmer who is my hero.  We bought some scallions for a Cambodian Corn Sauce I'm going to make tomorrow for our dinner.
After that we went to Quail's Run where I talked with the woman about cilantro, and I said that mine wasn't that big....and she talked about how she had picked the cilantro this morning.  I smelled it....we talked about how amazing fresh cilantro was.  I told her that we stand in our garden and pick pieces of our cilantro and eat it and how amazing it is....and how you just can't buy it from the store when you know how good it is when it's fresh.  
And basket was full, as we were leaving there was a person playing guitar with their dog at their feet.  The music made me tear up.  What a companion this musician had in this sweet dog sitting at their feet....what a peaceful wonderful life this dog has where she gets to join her friend and companion wherever they go....she gets to hear her master's music she get to be part of it....I love sweet dogs....I love owners who love them beyond measure.....I love my market....I love my Island.....I tolerate the tourists who drive slow and clog up the ferry.....I love my husband who brought me here....I love the farmers who make this a place where I can know the people who make my food....I love my chef who does amazing things with their food....and I love that I can chat with the farmers and their employees about my garden and my livestock.  And so....this was my Saturday

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