Wednesday, September 4, 2013

The Eve of Change

I'm sitting here, a beer, thinking about what tomorrow brings.  Tomorrow I say good bye to a job that has defined me for a year.  I have ridden 3 buses and a boat to a job where I support teachers who teach children who suffer trauma through homelessness, drug addiction, abuse, or any other number of frightening situations.  It really has been my dream job....the culmination of my education, passion, experience and interest.

I have had the pleasure....most of the time....of working with a group of women who put their hearts and souls into their work....they sacrifice time with family, time cleaning their homes, time spent doing other things caring for these little lost souls.  They are doing all the can to help these sweet souls find the way....they are the "protective factors" in these kids' lives.

I will miss the busyness of the place....I will miss the daily puzzle of scheduling, care team meetings, phone calls and emergencies....I will miss the camaraderie that comes from the kind of work we do....I will even miss the drama that comes from 20 passionate women come together and do what they are born to do.

I've decided to leave the job because I want to be able to spend more time feathering my nest, caring for my creatures, and supporting my husband.   I'll still be working, but I'll be closer to home, working fewer hours....also choosing the path of less stress so I can continue to keep MS at bay.

I'm excited about my new adventure....I don't regret ever taking the job "in town"....I met some women I hope to stay in touch with and hope to always call them "friend".  I'm excited about being able to be with my girls when they bring new babies into our "farm"....I'm excited about spending more time in my garden...excited about taking on new adventures, closer to home, creating, building, nurturing.

The quote I put on the "Monday Memo" this week hit my soul, it says:  "You rarely have time for everything you want in this life, so you need to make choices.  And hopefully your choices can come from a deep sense of who you are."  It's from Mister Rogers, and I think it sums up the reason I've decided to leave.....this life is short, and sometimes you need to do what will help you be more of who you are.  That is what I believe I am doing....I am making a choice so that I can focus on the dream of here....I realize I am blessed to be given that choice.  I am blessed to have the life I share with my loving husband, our beautiful dogs, our adorable goats and our little yellow house.  I'm thankful for the next leg on my journey.

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