Wednesday, August 27, 2014

A New Path

This story really starts about a year ago, when our sweet Layla had to leave us.  At the time I was working as a Program Supervisor at a Childcare Center that offered care for homeless and transitional families....I liked the job, I love feeling like I'm making a difference, the problem was that the job was in Everett, and to get there I took "3 buses and a boat" to get there, which when you combine that with trying to run a "farm" and the stress of what that kind of job brings, I quickly began to realize I couldn't do both....and then when Layla got sick, and then when we had to let her go, and I was at work trying to run things and stay professional as our darling mamma was struggling, I lost it.  I had parked my car on "the other side" and walked over, so I could get home faster....and so after our vet came and did what he needed to do, I was left with the dilemma that my car would be towed because I parked in a spot where they tow you, and so of course I missed the boat and a bawled....I blamed Gordon for "making" me stay at a job where I was miserable.....and he was left, holding the bag...feeling like the "bad guy", when he was anything but....but he said that I needed to get a job on this side, on the Island where I could be closer to our "family" and I could better try to balance the farm and a job..h

And so I took a job in Coupeville.....a job that I despised.....but it was full time....and then I got a job offer with less hours, but it was in Langley and a place I loved....and so we decided that we could live frugally and I could work closer to home, less hours....the problem there was that I was sick a lot....which is easy when your classroom is in a basement and your have a freaky immune system anyway and you sometimes taste the coughs of kids who sit in your lap.  But I loved it.....but it didn't challenge me, and so I began to work harder on my dream of making botanical jellies....and then I got laid off from that job....and we were in crisis mode again....but it turned out that on unemployment I was taking home more than I was making at the other job because of my Program Supervisor Job....and so I pursued the "Jelly Dream" and grew some flowers and veggies for Gordon.

This Summer was an amazing Summer of exploration and discovering my passions.....I started spinning, I learned that there were more hoops to jump through than I first imagined for the jellies....but I worked on those....I wrote an article that got published.....I even ran a food cart for a day.....and then....and then.....the Youth Group at our church were taking a Missions Trip to Mt. Vernon to a Day Camp for Migrant Children.....and I decided to come with them....and as I planned and got ready the "helper" in me began to wake up again....and one thing I learned was that I am so incredibly blessed to be able to pursue so many passions....and to embrace the Maker within me, that I really need to give back, I need to find a job where I am helping....I can't continue to take, and so, although my dreams of making jellies and spinning aren't going anywhere, I also know that I need to be where I am "part of the solution"

And so, I have been given the opportunity to work as a Victim's Advocate at Citizens Against Domestic Violence and Abuse........CADA......and I am excited.....I have learned to find my passion....and I have....and through that I have blossomed and grown.....and I believe whole heartedly that I am on the Path I should be....and in the meantime I can still run our "farm" and be with my girls as they have their babies....that path hasn't changed, I just know in my heart that I have been blessed with all of those things and  husband who stands beside me throughout it all....I know I am happiest when I am making a difference....and so on this new path I thank God for all He's done for me....and the community that surrounds me....and I take another leap.....trying something I've never done before, but that I believe I can be good at.


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